Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Birthday

Semlm my birthday yg ke 24th..waaa....dh dewasa rupa nye diri ku ini...hahaha...alhamdulillah diberi peluang utk merasai keindahan dunia oleh-Nya..amin amin amin..moga ku panjang umur, murah rezeki, sentiasa dilindungi oleh-Nya, hidup dirahmati oleh-Nya, dikekalkan jodoh ngan tunang tersayang, keluargu dilindungi & dirahmati.. amin amin amin...

As usual, yg setia celebrate my birthday is my mom..ayah xdo sbb semlm my mom blanja satay kat R&K..pastu kami pegi karaoke...TQ so much 2 my beloved family sbb celebrate my 24th birthday...bile umur makin meningkat, rase mcm xde ape je... =( maybe sbb dh rase makin tua kot...hehehe...

Owh ye, lupe plak..TQ so much mommy sbb bg present choc ngan kasut Red Devil tu...weee....TQ to my adik & his GF sbb bg Kinder Bueno... hehe...lama x mkn dh.. and 4 my fiance, TQ so much Sayang 4 the Iphone4 white tu..hehe...janji akan jaga dgn baik...just nk tggu adiah dr Daddy ni...hehehe...Love u all soooo damn much... muahzzzz....

p/s : xde sape ke nk wat surprise party tuk sy??? =(

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