Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011


waaaa...sgt excited entry kali ni..hehe...ramai BFF ku dh makne nye masing2 x sbr dh nk kawen...hehe...owh..miss the moments mase kite same2 kat high school & kolej...alik2 masing2 now dh keje & nk kawen dh pn...harus tggu invitation dr ade few pics my BFF yg dh tunang..

sblm terlupe, congratz to Una & Ajim on ur e-day wikend lepas...letoppp kwn ku yg sorang ni..muahzzz...congratz darling...

okeh! ni pics diaorg dgn pasangan masing2...sweeetttt bangat...doakn yg terbaik buat my BFF..moga kekal smpi akhr hayat... =)

to all my sayang2...congratz ye!!! sgttt hepy 4 u my darlingssss....jgn lupe anta invitation kad kat erin...xmo tag2 kat FB..nk kad okeh!!! muahzzz...erin doakn all my darlingss kekal ngan pasangan masing2 smpi akhir hayat...

p/s : tbe2 rase mcm x sbr nk tgk ank2 korang..nk tgk telatah ank korang..sweettt nyeee....haha...sure cuteeee kn... *berangan*

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